It is very interesting to me to see the different ways that people read the text of the Bible. There are many different approaches taken, and though it has taken me longer to realize than it should have, each of the approaches are valuable and have an important place in the church body. Some people read the Bible academically; they enjoy studying the socio-political intricacies that surround the author and his text. Often the academic’s goal is to understand what the author was saying to his original audience, so that one may discover how that text should apply to us today.
Approaching the Bible academically is not the only way to approach the Bible, it is also accessible through devotional reading. Instead of attempting to enter into deep study into the particulars surrounding the text, the devotional reader opens their heart and mind to God while they read through the text. While academic reading benefits from structure, devotional reading benefits from the lack thereof, allowing God to move through the very reading of the text.
These are just two simple examples of different ways that we as Christians approach the word of God. We also read by ourselves, and in community, in silence, and in proclamation. I think it’s a testament to the power and love of God for his people that the text can be approached in so many different ways by so many different people, and yet all can come away from the text having heard the Word of the Lord!
1 comment:
This is great info to know.
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