Wednesday, October 10, 2007


NBC has put out a variety of new shows this season, one of which is called “Chuck”. It is the story of a young man, working for the “Nerd Herd” at a “Buy More” store (an obvious nod to Best Buy’s Geek Squad) but has government secrets accidentally implanted into his brain, making him a very valuable person to the government.

So, with his new-found knowledge, Chuck finds himself in a very different world, having his actions controlled by two professional spies, and going on various missions, because he is the only source of the information which got downloaded into his brain. Admittedly, the plot is a little far-fetched, but the show is part of the action-comedy genre that could perhaps also include movies like the Pink Panther.

Chuck’s life changes quite drastically, but he must keep everything a secret, again because of the value of the information that he has. He keeps his job at Buy More, but is often in trouble because he cannot explain where he has been when he goes off on a mission. His new girlfriend, who his sister is thrilled about, is really just a secret agent sent to protect him. Chuck’s whole life changes, but he can’t tell anyone about it, which leads to some fairly comical moments for the audience, if not for Chuck!

The Christian life has some similarities with Chuck’s life, as well as some marked differences! First, there is the fact that everything about Chuck’s life has undergone a drastic change. In the same way, when a person accepts Christianity, their whole life changes, Paul writes it this way: “You were dead through the trespasses and sins in which you once lived, following the course of this world, following the ruler of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work among those who are disobedient… But God, who is rich in mercy, out of the great love with which he loved us even when we were dead through out trespasses, made us alive together with Christ” (Eph 2:1-2, 4-5)

The difference between Chuck’s transformation, and the transformation that a Christian undergoes, is that while Chuck struggles and strives to keep this change a secret, especially from the ones that he loves, the Christian story changes one so that one cannot keep it a secret. One is to “make disciples” and “teach them to obey everything [Jesus] commanded [us].” (Matt 28:19,20)

Let us remember that accepting the Grace of God changes us radically! We are now alive, when we had been dead! Let us not forget that we are to bring others to Christ so they too might share in the life which we now have!


Naomi said...

I'd be careful about saying that everything about your life changes when you become a Christian. Really, I'm just being nitpicky because I understand that what you're saying is that Christ has given us a new power to look at life differently and live it well. But clearly, not everything about our lives changes. I'm still Naomi, you're still Phil, we still have the same families, etc.

Kirsten Alana said...

Excellent post Phil and in a way, I sort of disagree with Naomi. Obviously we still have the same names and we still come from the same families in a technical you-were-born-to-these-earthly-parents-ways. But I think that everything about who we are morally, characteristically should change as you say, for the better. And the problem is too often it doesn't and too often we don't ask others to keep us accountable for how we should be different, in positive ways. I think we just kind of go on, hoping we'll get better but never really making concerted efforts to do so!

Good post. And I am sort of interested in the show now. Previously my only affiliation with NBC was for "The Office". Which Nathan and I love.

Phil Travis said...

Thanks for coming by! I love The Office too, can't get enough of it!
I think you are right though, while our names may be the same year in and year out, WHO we are changes drastically in response to Not only does our entire perspective on life, death, social order, etc. drastically change, but it is because of that change, that we ourselves change. hmm.. I feel another post coming on..