It doesn't matter what you've done, I still love you
It doesn't matter where you've been, you can still come home
And honey if it's you
We've got a lot of makin' up to do
And I can't hug you on the phone
So hurry home
The above text is from a song by a musician named Zane Williams, and talks about a father’s love for his daughter and his desire for her to return to him after she had run away. Leaving the Chorus of the song (the above text) as his answering machine welcome, he hopes that his daughter will hear his love for her and realize that she can still come home.
The song has inspiration in the parable of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32), though it has been updated to have a more contemporary feel, the message and idea behind the song were lifted directly from the parable by the author.
This story about the young man who defies his father and is still welcomed back, even longed for still amazes me. This is a radical statement about the love of God and the redemptive power of Jesus’ blood.
It is so difficult to understand that a perfect and Holy God, who cannot enter into the presence of evil because of how clean and holy he is. And yet he looks for and anticipates our return to him, seeing us from a long way off, running to us to take care of us and reinstating us as his son or daughter, even after we have failed to act as his son or daughter by dishonoring him.
How Great and mysterious is our God!
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I totally agree with you!
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