Tuesday, July 31, 2007


Last Sunday night at Elmwood was an interesting one for me; It was a unique, experience that I had never had within the walls of a church before. We had Choir practice.
Okay okay, so a lot of Churches of Choir practice, but usually those are churches that actually have a choir. No this took place during our normal meeting time and was a time to learn new songs.
I struggle with this, on one hand I think "We are giving up a time set apart for edification and growth so that we can learn how to support our voices by using our diaphragm". Also along those same thoughts were: "Is this inviting for a visitor, what would a visitor think if they walked in right now?" Most people don't know how to read music, or really care to, yet there is little help for them, because we don't have a piano to play out their notes so that they can follow along. Is a Sunday Night really the right time to learn a new song?
On the other hand, I really do appreciate singing new music and I think that it is good for the church to learn new texts etc. Especially when they are interesting tunes... I like interesting tunes.
So here I am at an impasse, on one hand, I think its kind of a waste of time to be learning new songs instead of, i don't know, having a class or something. On the other hand, if I think new songs are good and important, when do we learn those songs? Should we try to learn them on Sunday Morning? Wouldn't that make the church service, instead of class time, difficult?
Ideally I would like to find another way around this issue, perhaps a praise team (sitting, sitting, don't freak out on me!) would be helpful. People that are trained to sing and sing well could help guide the rest of the congregation through microphones. Or perhaps setting up a meeting on... a TUESday would be the right way to go about it, but we have small numbers on any day that isn't Sunday Morning as it is, I find it unlikely that many would participate if we had a "non-church" day as our meeting time.
Well, I'm pretty sure I don't like it, but on the other hand, perhaps it is the best option for this church at this time to learn new songs... but I still think a praise team would work better

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