Tuesday, November 2, 2010


"God is like a person who clears her throat while hiding and so gives herself away." –Meister Eckhart

Eckhart con Hochheim (Meister Eckhart) was a German theologian who lived from 1260-1327. The picture he paints in my mind with these words is the story of a person playing hide and seek with a small child. Just when the child is about to get distracted the mother will make her presence known with a small noise in order to experience the joy of being found by her child. What a beautiful picture of God! And while it may be more accurate to say that more often we are those in hiding (or perhaps, at times, we are running away) and it is God who is searching, Eckhart reminds us that the whole world hums with the presence of God, if only we attend, to come awake to his presence.

When we fail to attend, when, like a small child we are distracted by the things that surround us, we are often drawn back by a small cough: a song, a scripture, a dinner with a friend, the beauty of the world which God has created, and our attention is drawn back to that undeniable presence of God in this world.

The world is pregnant with the presence of God. God's creation teems with God's presence, are you ignoring God's presence, or attending to it? In what ways is God trying to get your attention? What are the things that are distracting your from God?

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